ARM Template Parameter/Variable Setup

For something so simple, arm templates can become complex things, so I prefer to try to set some ground rules before I go to deep. N.B this works for me, and may not suit everyone 😉

  • You should employee a naming convention for your artefacts.
  • Every Resource should be tagged.
  • There should be a clear naming convention between the parameters and variables.
  • Parameters should be either primitives or unique values
  • Variables should build up your resource names from the parameter primitives.


I prefer to inject any unique values via a VSTS/VSO or if your prefer Azure DevOps deployment process. In the first part of the file I spell out the acronyms which form part of the naming convention for the resources, you could use nested templates for this, but I feel they add unnecessary complications, as the nested template must be available via a URL. The second part involves parameters that are specific to this application, such as the tenant id, application name etc.

	"$schema": "",
	"contentVersion": "",
	"parameters": {
		"para_acronym_region": { "value": "we" },
		"para_acronym_resgrp": { "value": "resgrp" },
		"para_acronym_appsvc": { "value": "appsvc" },
		"para_acronym_svcpln": { "value": "svcpln" },
		"para_acronym_stract": { "value": "str" },
		"para_acronym_kv": { "value": "kv" },
		"para_acronym_azfunc": { "value": "fn" },
		"para_acronym_appin": { "value": "appins" },
		"para_acronym_webapp": { "value": "webapp" },
		"para_ad_tenantid": { "value": " OVERWRITTEN BY VSTS " },
		"para_application_name": { "value": " OVERWRITTEN BY VSTS " },
		"para_vanity_name": { "value": " OVERWRITTEN BY VSTS " },
		"para_target_env": { "value": "dev" },
		"para_kvSecretsObject": {
			"value": {
				"secrets": [
						"secretName": "applicationuser",
						"secretValue": "OVERWRITTEN BY VSTS"
							"secretName": "AnotherSecrect",
							"secretValue": "OVERWRITTEN BY VSTS"


As you can see from the variables, I build up my resource names from the parameters. I also pull in values for the hostingplan and component identities, so they can be used easily with the resource definitions.

"variables": {
	"var_env_region": "[concat(parameters('para_target_env'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_region'))]",
	"var_public_url": "[concat(parameters('para_target_env'), '.', parameters('para_application_name'), '.', parameters('para_vanity_name'))]",
	"var_str_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), parameters('para_acronym_stract'), parameters('para_target_env'), parameters('para_acronym_region'))]",
	"var_str_resId": "[resourceId(resourceGroup().Name,'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('var_str_name'))]",
	"var_kv_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_kv'), '-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_azf_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_azfunc'),'-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_appin_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_appin'),'-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_hstpln_group": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_resgrp'), '-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_hstpln_env": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_appsvc'), '-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_hstpln_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-', parameters('para_acronym_svcpln'), '-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_webapp_name": "[concat(parameters('para_application_name'), '-' ,parameters('para_acronym_webapp'),'-', variables('var_env_region'))]",
	"var_webapp_hstpln": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/resourceGroups/', variables('var_hstpln_group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', variables('var_hstpln_name'))]",
	"var_msi_azf": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('var_azf_name')),'/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/Identities/default')]"
Written on October 15, 2018