


skinparam linetype polyline
skinparam linetype ortho

title Mediator Pattern

' classes
interface INotification 
interface INotificationHandler
INotification : mediate()
INotificationHandler : NotifyText()
NotificationMessage : NotifyText()
Notifier1 : Handle()
Notifier2 : Handle()
INotifierMediatorService : NotifyText()

' Set screen position
INotification <- INotificationHandler : mediator
INotification -[hidden]-> NotificationMessage

' Relationship
NotificationMessage --|> INotification
INotificationHandler <|-- Notifier1
INotificationHandler <|-- Notifier2
NotificationMessage -> Notifier1
NotificationMessage -> Notifier2

INotifierMediatorService <|-- NotifierMediatorService


Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.

How’s this work?

  • INotification (Mediator)
    • Defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects
  • Notifier1, Notifier2 are
    • Each Colleague class knows its Mediator object
    • Each colleague communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another colleague
    • Concrete implementations of the task to be performed,
    • They need to implement the Handler method defined by the INotificationHandler interface.
  • NotificationMessage
    • Implements cooperative behavior by coordinating Colleague objects knows and maintains its colleagues
    • Instantiates the Notifier classes


Install-Package MediatR


Written on July 22, 2019